Location & Contact Information

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Neuropsychology Specialty Care

Neuropsychology Specialty Care

When you enter our parking lot, proceed to the left side of the building and enter in the second door where you will see our window sign.  We are the first office on the right as you enter the building on the ground floor. Do not go to the second floor as there is no connecting stairway.

Our office is conveniently located in the north suburbs of Pittsburgh near the new McCandless Crossing.  The first floor office is easily accessible and parking is complimentary.

135 Cumberland Road, Suite 108
Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Email: drgetz@npscpittsburgh.com

Phone: 412.366.2087

Fax: 412.366.0564

If you have general questions about our rates or available services, complete this form and we will be in touch. If you need to discuss personal health information, please call the office directly at 412.366.2087.

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We are in network providers for Highmark, UPMC Commercial, Medicare, and most Blue Cross Blue Shield. We also accept private payment.

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